August 31, 2019


The energetic conversation you are having with the universe ultimately becomes your reality.

What is that one thing that you desire more than anything in the world? What is the thing in your life that you are desperate to change, that you are chasing after, that you really want to attract? Sit with this for a moment, how does it feel?

Now shift your focus to something in your life that you are great at, that you are quietly confident about, that you can walk into a room with your head help high about – something that makes you feel your most magnetic. Sit with this for a moment, how does that feel?

The energetic conversation you are having with the universe ultimately becomes your reality. So if you are desperate for change, if you are chasing this dream but deep down on a subconscious level you are communicating to the universe that you are afraid, that you don’t believe you are worth it, that you feel like it will always be out of your reach, then this is exactly what will happen.

On the other hand, if you know in the pit of your stomach that you have totally got this – like the feeling you have when you are most magnetic – then your desire will become your reality.

They say the universe works in funny ways but sometimes it really is that simple.

Take time out today to connect with your beautiful magnetic energy and watch the things around start to shift.

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